Basic Information about Arcis:

Population - Approximately 48 million Full-time residents

Capital - Kreedo, Arcis

Notable Places - Trotskygrad; Romanov City; Clarksville; Cregg; Verona; Vermillion; Rodina; etc.

Arcan Oblasts - Karilth, Mal'rak, Neitaur, Takar, Xar'Chath, Keno'yath, Lai'to, Sal'v, Jingao, Saevio, Rav'ia, Undraeth, and Semaria.

Major Mountain Ranges - Rodina Redeker (14,361 miles long & 5,674 miles wide); Ka'lith (6,783 mi long & 924 mi wide); Valyrin (3,276 mi long & 900 mi wide); Abban (100 mi long & 400 mi wide)

Highest Mountain Peak - Mt. Jabbuk in the Rodina Redeker Mountain Range (75,367.3 feet high)

Names of the Oceans - Gre'as'aniarto (Peaceful waters)
Gre'Qu-mado (Peaceful Ocean)
Treem'ma-Charfolggen (Fearsome Depths)
Zhe'Qu-mado (Great Ocean; Name for the amalgamated body of water which makes of the global ocean of Arcis)

Cimmerii (Homo validus)

[Former Premier Kelly Petrenko-Redeker]
The Cimmerii have a number of abilities and features that set them apart from other races. To start, the average Cimmerii stands between 7'0"ft and 8'5"ft in height. Height varies 2-4 inches between the average male and average female. The skin of a Cimmerii isn't easily pierced, but when pierced it has a much faster regenerative period than most species. Additionally, the bone density of Cimmerii is very high due to their towering sizes.

Cimmerii have advanced vision in the dark, but they still can not see as perfectly as in the light. Their just not fully accustomed to the dark, as of yet. Yet another trait of the Cimmerii are their speed and agility. The average Cimmerii can run up to an excess of 95km/h. As well, they all exhibit superhuman strength. Cimmerii can lift approximately triple their body weight completely over their head, which is usually around 800lbs because of their height and muscular mass. On average, average Cimmerii IQ is somewhere near 347.

Upon reaching the age of puberty, 9-10 years, Cimmerii's bodies release a hormone which scientists have branded as Ephometa; which is found in several races other than the Cimmerii, but most notably the Valk. This hormone drastically reduces the aging process and allows for extended lifespans.
Valk reproduce sexually, but Cimmerii females only remain pregnant for an elapsed time of 7 months. Cimmerii infants age much faster than the average Human infant, and for that reason they do not need as much nurturing as Human infants. As mentioned before, the average Cimmerii reaches full maturation at the age of 9-10 years; when their bodies release the Ephometa hormone.


[Disposed Princess 'Iz' Harmon and her Former Chief; Sovietnik V]
((More to come))


Valk have a number of Abilities that set them apart from other Races.They stand over 7ft tall, height ranges from 7"2' to 7"8'. Height does not vary between female and male Valk. Their skin is pale white and feels like marble, it takes a lot to break through a Valk's skin due to it having a similar particle structure to the mineral diamond. Bone density in the species is large, which adds to their strength. Valk also have piercing Blue eyes, but the eye colour can sometimes vary from Valk to Valk. Because they lived in the shadows for many years, Valk became accustomed to the dark, meaning they can see perfectly in pitch black. Another trait that Valk share is their uncanny speed, they are known to run around 60mph, some even faster, and they exhibit superhuman strength. Valk can lift around double their body weight which is usually around 400lbs because of their height and muscular physiques. Unlike their ancestors, the Vampires, Valk do not rely on blood to live, they do not share any of the weaknesses that Vampires have such as sunlight, instead they thrive from it. In the extreme heat and sunlight Valk skin can shimmer like diamonds, which adds to their natural beauty. On average, Valk IQ is 255.

Upon the age of puberty completion (around the age of 21 years), their body releases a hormone which Scientists have branded as Ephometa, as previously mentioned in the Cimmerii section.

Valk are incable of sleep, as their brain can never fully rest and become unconscious.

Valk reproduce as Humans do, although Valk females stay pregnant for an elapsed amount of time of 15 months. Baby Valk age faster than an Average Human baby, and they do not need as much attention as Human babies, as they take a quarter of the age to fully develop. By the age of an average 10 year old Human, the 10 year old Valk would have the body and mind of an 18 year old human.

Humans (Homo sapien)

[Former Chancellor Sergey Cregg]
The average human male stands at 5'9"ft, while the average female stands at 5'4"ft. Their skin varies from pale white in albinos and a really dark pitch of black. It is very easily cut and bruised, and heals at varied amounts of time depending on severity of the wound. The bone density and strength of Humans varies with age, from being very brittle and fragile from birth until the age of 2 and in the elderly stages of life to about as strong as an infant Valk's between the ages of 17-29.

  • The average human is capable of running up to speeds of 30mph.
  • The average human is capable of lifting half their body weight.
  • Humans have an average IQ of 100.
  • The average female human reaches the beginning of puberty at the age of 10, while men begin puberty at the age of 12.
  • The average female human completes puberty at the age of 16-17, while men complete puberty at the age of 17-18.
  • The average female human lives 80 years, while men live to about the age of 76 years.

Humans reproduce sexually, and Human females remain pregnant for an elapsed time of 9 months. Human infants age much slower than most other races of the Multiverse, and they require much more attention and nurturing during their development period of 16-18 years.